Pasojat shëndetësore për gratë

Shqetësimet shëndetësore për gratë, të shkaktuara nga duhanpirja

Young women, especially those of normal weight, are more likely to report smoking to control their weight. As a young woman, you are twice as likely to think that you are overweight when you’re not, and twice as likely to smoke to try to lose or control weight compared to young men. To date, there are no studies that prove that smoking leads to weight loss. Smoking does not lead to a healthy weight. The best way you can maintain a healthy weight is through a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

As a woman, your smoking habit is linked to a number of serious health issues including cervical cancer, lower fertility, conception delay, menstrual problems, early menopause, lower estrogen levels in the body, and peptic ulcers (ulceration of the mucous membrane within the esophagus, stomach or duodenum which can be extremely painful). As a woman who smokes, you may have a harder time getting pregnant. You may also have more problems while you are pregnant.

Smoking during pregnancy may lead to:

A mother who smokes after the baby is born may have less breast milk. She may also pass on nicotine and other chemicals to the baby through her breast milk.

Smoking is really a one-sided relationship. Smoking ends up taking a lot more than what it gives. Now’s the time to end this thing once and for all.


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