Pasojat shëndetësore

Pasojat shëndetësore

Pasojat afatshkurtĂ«ra shĂ«ndetĂ«sore Nuk do tĂ« mĂ« ndodhĂ« kurrĂ« mua. The younger you start smoking, the more likely you are to become strongly addicted to nicotine. It won’t be long before you start noticing the damage caused by cigarettes. Pasojat afatgjate shĂ«ndetĂ«sore Your relationship with smoking can kill you. Seriously. The longer you smoke, the higher your chances are of having heart attacks, stroke, and many forms of cancer....

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Çka ka brenda cigares?

You’re dating more than just nicotine. In fact, in addition to nicotine, your cigarette’s tobacco smoke contains over 4000 chemicals of which more than 70 are known to cause, initiate or promote cancer and are called carcinogens. Examples of the chemicals which have been identified in tobacco smoke include: acetaldehyde arsenic benzene formaldehyde inorganic lead naphthalene nickel vinyl chloride When you inhale smoke, it initially...

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Pse është kaq e vështirë për ta lënë duhanin?

You probably have a million reasons for why you smoke. You might like the taste or feeling it gives you. You might think it relaxes you or helps pass the time. No matter what your reasons are for smoking, if you smoke, you’re probably addicted to the nicotine in tobacco. Period. Nicotine – the great manipulator. The nicotine in tobacco is a powerful, highly addictive chemical. Within 10 to 20 seconds of taking a puff on a cigarette,...

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