Eco Adventure in Accursed Mountains

Starting from the municipality of Deçani located on the foothills of the Accursed Mountains and highest mountain in Kosovo Gjeravica 2656m.

This “Eco and Outdoor Adventure” video discovers some pieces of the atmosphere, food, local tradition, cultural heritage and the unique experience when visiting the municipality of Deçani before you decide to hike up in the Accursed Mountains and do yoga! 🙂

Yoga at Accursed Mountains

Project is implemented by: Kosovo Advocacy and Development Centre – KADC, CZIP – Centar za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Crne Gore, Gss Crne Gore and ShBA PASHTRIKU

#EUfunded #CrossBorder #Kosovo #Montenegro #CBC #Decani #KADC #AccursedMountainsExperience #Tourism #Outdoor #Hiking #Yoga #Traditionalfood #Biking #Adventure #BalkanAdventure #BalkanAlps

Video production: Zoom038 Media Prishtinë


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